At Penn Medicine Hospice we are always eager to meet  individuals interested in volunteering at Camp Erin â  Philadelphia.  However, each year we are not able to accept every new volunteer. It is important that you review the training dates and  requirements prior to submitting an application to confirm that you will be able to comply with them.

Once your application has been approved, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. These usually take place at our offices in Bala Cynwyd, PA, or over Microsoft Teams if necessary, during normal business hours (9am-5pm), Monday through Friday. They typically last 45 minutes to an hour.

All applicants must be 18 years or older. 18-20 year olds may only select roles on committees. To serve in a cabin, you must be 21 years or older. Applications due by February 28th.

Please contact us at CampErin@pennmedicine.upenn.edu if you have any questions or you are younger than 18 years old and wish to support Camp Erin.


IMPORTANT DATES: Please check your calendar now to confirm you are able to attend all of the mandatory dates. If you are not able to attend one or more of the training dates, we ask that you apply another year. The trainings are very important in ensuring the safety of all volunteers and campers who attend Camp Erin. 

Applications Deadline: February 28th

April 5th-New volunteer Training (10am-2pm at our offices at 150 Monument Road,  Bala Cynwyd) *Mandatory
May 3rd-All volunteer Training (9am-2pm at VIRTUAL) *Compliances must be it this training) *MANDATORY FOR ALL VOLUNTEERS
May 31st Preview Party (10am-2pm) at Camp Kweebec in Schwenksville, PA


June 6th -June 8th Camp Weekend (Friday 11am to Sunday 2pm) AT CAMP KWEEBEC 157 Game Farm Road in Schwenskville, PA.  

 Part I: Compliances

With very few exceptions, all volunteers must be 100% compliant by the All Volunteer Training in order to participate in camp.

Medical compliances
  • Tuberculosis screening-Click here for a list of acceptable Tuberculosis Screenings.
  • Documentation of MMR vaccination or immunity (If you were born prior to January 1, 1957, you do not need to provide this documentation)
  • Documentation of Varicella vaccination or immunity (If you were born prior to January 1, 1957, you do not need to provide this documentation)
  • Copy of current health insurance
  • Documentation of a COVID-19 Vaccine


Auto compliances (Must be valid for the weekend of camp; these may need to come in after May 14th)

  • Copy of driver's license (if driving to camp or other camp activities) or photo ID
  • Copy of auto insurance (if driving to camp or other camp activities)


Background checks

  • Annual: PA Child Abuse Clearance
  • Annual: Act 34 (PA State Background Check) through our 3rd party vendor, HireRight
  • 5 years: FBI Fingerprint Clearance through the PA Department of Human Services


 Part II: Demographic Information

 Part III: Address & Contact Info

Part IV: Emergency Contact
Part V: Psychosocial
Part VI: Camp Role 

Using the boxes below, select your top 3 choices for roles at camp. Please select 3 different roles.

*Note that the Cabin Buddy Assistant role is designed for individuals who have never served in a cabin before, whether or not they have been at Camp Erin Philadelphia previously. New volunteers should not select the Cabin Buddy role. 

**Therapy Dogs must be certified and show proof of certification and training required by their certifying agency. A form completed by their veternairian must be completed after the interview.

I certify that the statements made on this application for a Camp Erin Philadelphia volunteer position are true and correct, and I hereby grant Penn Medicine permission to verify the information contained herein. I understand the giving of false information or the failure to give complete information requested herein shall constitute grounds for rejection of my application or my dismissal from the program. I understand that my appointment with Camp Erin Philadelphia is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the required orientation and training, and the receipt of satisfactory recommendations from references. I also understand that Camp Erin Philadelphia reserves the right to require tests for drugs and/or alcohol in my system for just cause or reasonable suspicion. I hereby grant permission for the authorities of Penn Medicine to investigate my references and release Penn Medicine and all previous employers or references from any and all liability resulting from such investigation. Upon becoming inactive as a Camp Erin Philadelphia Volunteer, I authorize the release of reference information on my work.